Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Mountain Landscape, by Soga Shōhaku, ca. 1761-1763

Japanese prints make man small and nature big.

Rousseau is at the heart of going back to nature phantasy, that the Concord Transcendentalists connect with. By postulating that society corrupts and doesn't corrupt, he rightly points out that owning land was the start of when nature is not allowed to be free.

I was trying to explain to my daughter how the Portuguese could exploit Japan's isolation in the TV show Shogun(2024), there was a time when information didn't flow as freely as it does now. It begins to flow more freely with writing, then radio, then TV, then cable, then internet.

Rosseau wasn't so hostile to civilization, he says the opposite, forgets his repudiation like all good dialectic thinkers. Civilization is amazing too, helpful, supportive.

I feel a kind of tug by Dionysian ecstasy, and civilization. Yesterday in Madison Wisconsin, they arrested 80 revelers at the Mifflin Street Party (source). You are allowed to be wild and dress up for sporting events, Mardi Gras, Halloween to get candy. Religions want to harness this energy, if they're smart. Milarepa thought he got enlightened after a beer, after sitting in meditation year after year so that there were calluses on his butt. He wrote poetry and sang his songs. 

There's also unrealistic nostalgia in harkening back to an ideal time that never really existed. Going back to nature might not be what you really think it is. Our internal input is the most important thing we have, that is who we are. Some people think it's listening to God even. Uncovering our Buddha-nature. 

Small not on style, I'm no sure whether it's Buddha Nature, buddha nature, Buddha nature or Buddha-nature. Wikipedia has the last. 

Back to Rousseau. I found it shocking that he gave up all 5 of (probably) his children with Theresa to orphanages. Going back to nature was just a simplified version of callousness to him, and honestly I lost all respect for him.

I wonder how he could write Emile, about education, if couldn't be bothered to raise his children. Then I realized it was about how he would have liked to have been educated. An extension of his theories.

When I was younger, I thought the ideas were pretty important, but I think what you do speaks the loudest and crimes against humanity are always an empathy gap. That is the biggest problem and the most unnatural thing. 

Still, I like this idea (Strathern 2002, p.56): He specifically states that "in respect of riches, no citizen shall ever be wealthy enough to buy another, nor be poor enough to be forced to sell himself." The state should "allow neither rich men nor beggars."

Mr. Five Willows (Wuliu), Tao Yuanming 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 European Crab Apple Tree

Grape Hyacinth




Dead nettles

Siberian Buglos



Wild Cabbage


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Lake meditation


Lake meditation today.

I was reading today that these yellow flowers Buttercups are invasive and take over so other flowers can't bloom (source).

I like "almost died in wilderness" stories. Here's one in the New York Times.

4/19/24. Yesterday I thought about walking down to the lake and I thought about how muddy it was, the car noise of the two highways bracketing it (Van Wyck and the Grand Central Parkway), the tire in the water (you can see in the top photo), and all the garbage people leave behind. Sometimes urban greenspaces aren't kept up well and they can be unappealing. I've been tempted to take a garbage bag and do some cleaning when I go. 

The fisherman takes garbage out, which I really appreciate.

I'm also noticing how dirty NYC is, so maybe it's my issue of the moment. 34 years living here, I sometimes am not bothered by it. I look at the clouds in the sky or see the beauty. Sometimes I get negative and see the garbage. Another layer of trying not to be negative.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Eclipse & Earthquake & Hurricanes

248PM NYC 

It’s partly cloudy so that complicates things:

3:06 PM

3:14 PM

In DC, my cousin’s shot:

In Queens NYC, the eclipse isn't 100%. Have to go to Buffalo for that. The next one is going to be 2079 (source). There will be one in August 23rd 2044 in other parts of America. 

On Monday April 8th, the eclipse starts at 2 PM, and peaks at 3:25 PM with 90% covered sun for NYC, and ends at 4:36 PM.

The next eclipse happening is on March 30, 2033 and will be visible from Alaska just after sunrise and coincides with the peak season for the aurora borealis.

The August 23, 2044 eclipse will be visible in Montana and North Dakota. The path of totality for this eclipse includes Greenland and parts of Canada.

I'm going to the library today to see if you can check out some eclipse glasses. They had a sign all out. I bought some on the street for $5 a few days later. 

Wow, just felt an earthquake: 10:24 AM EST here in Kew Garden Hills (4/5/2024), Flushing, Queens, New York City, New York, USA. Reminds me of the hurriquake, the earthquake during a hurricane. Yup, it was centered in New Jersey (twitter). Says it's 5.5. Some are saying 4.8.

Indeed, yesterday Times had an article about how the change in the ocean temperature could give us a tough year for hurricanes. Remember when forest fires in Canada brought orange skies?

Feeling like end of times. My Christian friend gets excited when I say that, and I back away. Jesus is wonderful, but I'm a Buddhist, and I'm just speaking emotionally, not from spiritual conviction. Causality is how I see the world. I can work harder in meditation, study, ethics, fellowship and devotion on the Buddhist path to get past suffering, which is symbolized by the moon I'm reading in How Karma Works: The Twelve Links of Dependent Arising by Geshe Sonam Rinchen.


NASA Eclipse site

USA Today

12 Nidanas

Milwaukee Sentinel has a good graphic about future eclipses.

Fun facts

NY Post: "Total solar eclipses actually happen every 18 months or so. The next time the WORLD will witness this phenomenon will be on August 12, 2026. The path of totality will fall over Greenland, Iceland, Spain, and a few scant feet of Portugal."

Next Eclipses NY Times.

Bonus nature sound:

Bald Eagle squalks.