Monday, May 8, 2023

Muskrat love


It’s only 60 degrees but it’s supposed to get up to 77 today. I hear splashing, maybe a muskrat. I can’t see beyond the invasive reeds. I’m invasive, Northern European mutt. Today is Thomas Pynchon’s birthday and I’m thinking about the rat priest in V. Am I the muskrat priest meditating by the man made lake?

Maybe it’s a fish, I see a fish mucking about. Taking a risk, lots of birds, but maybe the eagle is gone, I can’t see it in the Willow tree with my bare eyes. So scary when something comes from underneath the water, it’s like unwanted unconsciousness. No sharknado today.

Not everyone gets in lightened. Ananda hung out with a Buddha for decades, and had an eidetic auditory memory and still wasn’t enlightened.

After the ecstasy, the laundry...

Walking out I came across my birder friend, and told him how freaked out I was by fish jumping out of the water, twice. He wondered if they were trying to breath, but I thought they got stuck chasing little fish in the shallows and reeds. I asked him what birds would eat the fish that seem suicidal to me, and are asking to be plucked out of the lake. He said cormorants, the sea ravens, and Osprey, the fish hawk. He hadn't seen the bald eagle that sometimes hangs out there.

Saw a bird pop out of the water, and I thought loon, and he said might be a tern, but it didn't look like any of those photos. It didn't look like a loon. Looked like a double crested cormorant. Not sure if that kind of cormorant could eat that big fish that was breaching the surface, it was bigger than a hero. I mean I know they can really open up and swallow. 

Told him how I thought this area was the valley of the ashes from Great Gatsby, but they're saying it's over where they're building the stadium off Northern, where the chop chops used to be. He said this makes sense, it's off Northern Boulevard. He thought they used to try and play baseball in this area, he was guessing. He said there are random fence posts. He said in the 7 years he'd been coming there, it's filled in with greenery, used to be more sparse.

Asked him if he saw the article in the Times about Anhinga. Someone sent it to him. I hadn't seen any but they're supposedly in Prospect Park. More evidence for global warming, he doesn't deny but sometimes you just see birds expanding their territory.

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