Wednesday, January 24, 2024

39 degrees F

"As a child looks forward to the coming of the summer, so could we contemplate with quiet joy the circle of the seasons returning without fail eternally." (HDT's journal)

Global warming is confusing because I can't really guess the temperature, and I'd for sure wouldn't notice a 2 degree difference, but it would be disastrous. I'm wondering how much this like is going to raise when the waters start rising. I'm not sure if it's going to happen much in my lifetime. That's another issue, humans are kind of selfish, not really concerned about what happens after them. A hot day or a cold day isn't global warming, and change and extinction is always happening. I guess the question is what can we to to avoid some man made changes that might harm humanity. I want my children to live in a fairly stable and kind world. In AA we are tought to think through the consequences of picking up that first drink. I think humans are addicted to selfishness and self absorption against their own interests, and we need to think about the future constructively. 

Valley of tears

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