Rules are needed. The wilderness is a place where teenagers go to party and there’s a lot of broken glass on the path into Willow Lake but if you can’t party in the woods where can you party?
Saw that there is a rule that you can’t take unleashed animals and I thought that was interesting because I never saw a feral cat or a dog. I know they had them in the Rockaways until they killed someone, and they they hunted them all down.
The people that used to come up Willow creek, the original people who lived her were a branch of the Lenape, a branch of the Rockaway. They cultivated the three sisters, they hunted and fished. The Matinecocks were the ones in Flushing bay.
Chief Sachem Tackapousha lived 1598 to1697, and he was the son of Sachem Mechoswodt. Mechoswodt, the chief sachem of Marossepinck, Sintsinck and its dependencies, signed a deed on January 15, 1639 with some early Dutch settlers that conveyed the entire western half of Long Island to the Dutch.
Swung by the library which is the other place you can go for free these days. Seems in New York City they want your money before he can use the bathroom.
Opened the door when I was leaving my apartment building for a woman who lived downstairs. I like opening doors. Opening doors is kindness. I’m looking for even small ways to be kind to others. When I got to the library and open the door for a woman with a hijab, she declined to go in. I had to go in before her. I don’t mind it when people reject my politeness because you know I’m just trying to be polite and so if they don’t want it then they don’t want it, it’s not something I need.
Started reading Heavy by Kiese Laymon. He wanted to write an American memoir, but it turns out he has to write a black memoir. Life is filled with disappointments and contrary cultural forces, and gender, sex, sexuality, race, class and many more things factor into what you get. The question is still what do I want to invest my attention, empathy, willpower and discipline into.